Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Your First Call To A Woman.

Your ability to build a phone conversation will allow to make a good impression to the woman. Many errors can be avoided simply if tentatively ponder that you are going to say and how it will look from the outside. The following items will help you to build your communication correctly and to avoid the most common mistakes.

1. The first talk on the phone should be short.

No matter how busy your day is, and how long have you to talk, you have to impress a person living a full active life. To do so, say what you wanted to say and there is no need of abstract discussions about the nature and the weather. It would not be bad if you have finished the conversation first. This will force the woman to wait for further meetings with you.

2. Talks must be finished on a cheerful note.

The woman always remember what you told her, ending the conversation. This should be something positive ridiculous that will force her to smile after she put the phone. Even if your first conversation was unfortunate, the latest joke can remedy the situation in your favor.

3. Your call should have a clear objective.

Do not call just to chat. Before the conversation you must prepare, utter the phrases that you are about to pronounce. You do not want that at the end of your explanation woman would ask you thus "So, what did you want to say me?". If you invite woman to visit, you should have several options where you can go to, just in case that at first one she did not agree.

4.Radiate a positive.

Women's trait, of course, is the ability to listen, they given by nature of compassion and the propensity to sympathy, but that does not unleash your hands. There is no need for it to drain all the negatives, accumulated in you for the whole day, to complain about life, etc. Not even a nagging need into the tube or talk with colorless voice. On the first few visits hide away your emotional baggage.

5. The message can be left on the answering machine, only if you are calling not the first time.

Do not leave a message on the answering machine, otherwise you will look like a man, who is very needy in her attention. If you call for the first time, hang up and try again later. Do not be afraid that unknown telephone number, displayed several times on her answering machine will alert her.

6. Call in good time.

This means that you must exclude calls during working hours. First, she will understand that you think a lot of her, once taking the time to call in a pause between jobs. Secondly, it can be inconvenient for her to talk when colleagues or boss is, and she could not be kindly with you, even if she wanted to be. If you invite a woman to visit by Sunday, then make a call until Wednesday. Never call on Friday evening or Saturday. If you lie on the couch and watch TV, you have not do anything, she must not know it, this is not necessary.

By the way. How to determine by voice, whether she sympathize with you.
If a woman likes a man with whom she talks, she raises the tone of her voice, that is, she starts talking with higher voice, even not noticing this herself. A man who is interested in the woman, on the contrary, unwittingly lowers the tone of his voice in a conversation with her. That is he begins to talk with more low voice.

By: Julia Pika
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
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