Thursday, April 17, 2008

Personal Life. 7 Reasons Why People Do Not Set Goals.

"When a person does not know which dock his ship is heading due, no one wind will be the fair wind" - Seneca.

Everybody knows about the importance of placing at the top the most important tasks. But yet, even knowing this, many people continue being given up the turbulent currents of life, trusting that they whenever will accidentally get to the island called wealth, health and personal success! But years elapse, and the island has never encounters a way. Let us once again raise the theme of the importance of goals.

The Man Without a goal - like a ship without a helm, drifting aimlessly and continuously at risk raid on the reefs. A person with a goal is similar the vessel leading by an skilled captain with the help of maps and compasses, he knows the destination and he leads the ship directly to the port of his own choice.

Recent studies have shown. Our brain contains a mechanism of tasking, accurately and faultlessly guiding us to achieve the goals. Through this mechanism, which is in our brain, we are get every goal, unless it is unclear, and we are quite tenacious. The process of achieving the goal happens almost automatically. But it is tasking is the main problem for most people.

This means that we achieve all the goals we seek - it is a fact. You are now where you are and what you are, because you wanted this. Your thoughts, actions, the behavior led you to the current state. If your goal is to live day, to go home and sit down in front of the TV, you reach it. If you are thinking to end to feel good, to be healthy and live a long life then you will reach that goal as well.

The greatest enemy of your capacity to succeed and achievements is your comfort zone, your desire to stuck in rut and resist against all changes, albeit positive, which are trying to push you out. This is feature of every person to fear and avoid the changes. We want the things to remain as they are, but also be improved. But any growth, progress, development requires changes. Changes are inevitable. What would you do, life never stands still. It always changes in a particular direction. The situation has become something better, then worse, but never remains the same. Because the Act is valid - the cause and the consequence. Objectives are causes; health, happiness, freedom and prosperity - these are consequences. You sow the goals and reap the results.

The main reason for life success is the ability to set goals and achieve them. That's why people without a goal doomed forever to work for those who have these goals. Simple conclusion.

You work for the achievement of goals either yours or other’s ones. Let's try to define a number of reasons why people do not put the goal. After all, who is warned he is armed, ancient wisdom reads.

The first reason why people do not put the goal is that they are simply frivolous. They

prefer the word instead action, want to make great strides to improve their lives, but are unwilling to make an effort required. They lack the "fire" that mobilizes a burning desire to change, to transform their lives into something more, better, interesting.

The second reason why people do not put the goal is that they still do not dare to take responsibility for their own lives. We can not say that they made even one step to setting goals until a moment when people assume full responsibility for their lives and for all that is happening with them. Irresponsible people are the persons who are still waiting for to begin a real life. Such a person is using all his creative energies to think out exaggerating intricate excuses about his inability to make progress, and then buys lottery
tickets and goes home to watch TV and drink beer.

The third reason why people do not put the goal is to deep feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. A man who grew up in a particular environment, raised in the sense that he does not deserve anything, is hardly able to raise serious purpose.

The fourth reason for the lack tasking is that they are not aware of the importance of goal. If you grew up in a family where the parents do not rise the objectives and the issue of achieving the goals is not a topic of family conversations, it is likely to become an adult, never learned that the goal is setting not only in the sport.

The fifth reason why people do not put the goal is that they simply do not know how to do this. In our society, unfortunately, it is not possible to obtain a diploma on the subject of goals, and this discipline is much more important than any object ever studied you.

The sixth reason for the non-tasking - it is only the fear to receive a waiver, the fear to be criticized. From the childhood our dreams and our hopes are suffering from strokes, caused laughter and criticism of others. Our enemies and friends laughed at us when we represented ourselves someone. Their influence may leave the imprint on your attitude to yourself, on setting goals for life.

The seventh reason why people do not put the goal - is the fear of defeat. Fear of failure is the greatest obstacle to success in adult life. It keeps people in their comfort zones. It makes they bend down their heads and remain in the security, while the years pass by. The fear digested in early childhood as a result of criticism and punishment. Once deeply rooted in the subconscious, the fear spreads further, paralyzing and killing the dream ambitions, bringing more harm than any other negative emotion attending human soul. That is why people do not put goal.

Once again feel deeply the words of a great Seneca.
"When a person does not know which dock his ship is heading due, no one wind will be the fair wind".

By: Julia Pika

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