Saturday, April 12, 2008

What Should Not Be Expected From The Russian Brides.

There are many reasons why foreigners want to find a wife among Russian brides. Many foreign men are attracted by the image of Russian women - humble, patient and unpretentious. For example, here is what one of the men engaged in the search for a Russian bride, says: "I had told myself that I wanted a "traditional" woman. I did not dare to consider the word "submissive". But damn it! That's exactly what I want!" Another piece of the article: "...American men seek Russian brides because Russian women are easier to dominate than American women... If this man can't find his submissive, beautiful dream girl at home, he is lured by the idea that he can purchase her abroad".

I suggest a little closer to get acquainted with the peculiarities of Russian nature, for more or less clear about what to expect and vice versa what you should not expect from your future Russian wife. Russia and its residents - are not hypochondriacs, one and all alcoholics, but people worthy of respect for their hearty, cheerful, compassionate, sometimes too careless and trusting persons, talented and hard-working, first and foremost in what their souls are predisposed.

According to the scientists, psychologists, the Russians have special abilities to intuition and a presentiment, they have more irrationality of Eastern than western's rationality. Their emotions always prevail over reasons and the passion - over material interests. You do not have to wait for their prompt and vigorous action in a critical situation if they are emotionally not taken by this problem. Do not expect the objectivity from them.

Sensual perception of the life for Russian women is that they require close human contact, they emotionally dependent on the environment. The toughest for them - the daily routine, stingy, repeatability, monotony. These from what "normal" European feels peace and stability, the Russian could result in gloom. Think of this as a Russian archetype, organizing your family nest with the Russian wife. Do not criticize this national trait, but use for the benefit of yourselves.

Russian women hardly perceive formal polite smiles, in the official meetings, etc. They appreciate such ability of the Americans or the Japanese to smile, courtesy of French. They admire but do not wish to follow their example. Do not panic, if you do not see the smiles on their faces. This does not mean hostility or negative feelings, as the foreigners sometimes think. If you await for a smile from your Russian girl, then you just have to show her your sincerity and goodwill.

Russian women have charm, are educated, active in the life and, more importantly - brought up in the sense of responsibility for their loved ones. These features make them attractive for mixed marriages. The emotional closeness to Russian women sometimes means much more than just material well-being. Russian wife is always ready to share the heavy moments of life and steadfastly overcome the failures and disorder together with a man to whom she really believes.

However, such marriages could become highly problematic and short-lived for many reasons. And the main reason was described at the beginning of this article. Russian woman expects from her husband primarily reciprocity. She can be waiting for this for a long time. This point is often erroneously perceived as a resignation. But it is submissiveness that the least must be expected from Russian wife.

As Russian poet Nekrasov said: "Russian woman can stop a horse at full galloping and will go down in a burning house". Entering the relationship with a Russian woman your Russian bride, it must be understood that in the future you both have to overcome a lot of barriers (linguistic, psychological, cultural, etc.) and be prepared for constant active movement towards each other.

By: Julia Pika

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